Monday, March 2, 2009

Session 19, 20 - Feb 28 - SC Beachy

Surprisingly sunny day, surprisingly fun surf...nothing earth-shattering but nice to get out and have some fun in a very sparse crowd. Session one (the better of the two) was around noonish o'clock, session two around dark o'clock, both 6'2 KG.

Session #2 I dragged the GF along with me to sit on the beach and be oh-so-impressed by the surfing prowess of her man. Naturally, I proceeded to kook out on every makeable wave that came my way. 

Hey, it was low tide. Waves were really fast, closing out real quick. I surfed 'em as good as anybody could've. Nevermind the young dude out there with me managing to catch some nice long rides and even an occasional cuttie every now and again. He must've been using some crazy new shape or something. I was on the wrong board. Should've taken the 6'6. Definitely the wrong board. Should probably have surfed down the beach a bit further anyways. Would've killed it over there. Definitely. Killed it. Skills. 

(who am I kidding, Selin was reading US Weekly. She's never been one to be impressed by my amazing surf skills. Or lack thereof. Good thing)

Pretty sunsets this weekend. 

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